Tuesday, April 12, 2011


My Tuesday morning classes are supposed to be discussion-based. Everyone is supposed to show up, and talk about the trials and tribulations of working on their projects. Occasionally display the different parts of their project that have been going well, and maybe the parts that have been behaving poorly. I have to say that the idea is great. But the buy-in has been really low. A lot of students haven't gotten around to starting, or even choosing a project yet. And of those that have, there is only so much progress that they can make in a single week. Which leads to the class feeling really unfocused. Today's amusement came in the form of one of the "lost" student's presentations. They chose to present a possible idea for their project. But, the wording and structure put it forth as if they were the ones doing the research. It was about databases. Which just happens to be an area I understand. I throw out some questions, and really sort of wonder about what they are hoping to do in less than 2 months time on a difficult topic. Later, when it is my turn to present, they fire some questions at me. I was talking about implementing caching within my application, but they misunderstood what I was saying. As if I were talking about developing caching as a project. So I was a bit amused by it.

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