I've got basic furniture for the place. Bed, a small closet, a dresser, chair (or two), and a table (probably). I could use a desk lamp at least. Maybe a floor lamp.
I figure I will need some extra pillows (lots of them), and also some additional blankets. I have a small comforter and can probably take a few of the smaller pillows with me.
I've got a set of speakers and an amp to power them. I'll need to locate a 1/8 to 1/4 male-to-male plug, so I can hook the laptop to the amp. A bit more junk-build than the system I used in Canada, but serviceable.
I may even be able to take on the record player, but I don't know if that's spare or not.
The other week, I picked up some folding boxes to help me organize things, and I'll likely need a few more things to allow me to get the rest organized as well.
My kitchen consists of a sink, some cupboards, and 2 heating elements on the stove. No oven. So, I've acquired a new toaster oven. This, I figure will allow me to do some light baking things, though not much.
Early this week, I made and finished my rag rug for the kitchen floor. I hope it will help.
Today I picked up some tableware. Dishes, cups, bowls, plates, that sort of thing. Utensils too. With a few essential purchases from the Penny outside the apartment (toilet roll, soap, etc) I could move in and live a sparse life.
I expect to stay pretty sparse overall, but I will be adding on things until I can live reasonably comfortably as well.
So far, I've resisted the urge to pick up furniture. There's lots I could do with, but space in the apartment is very limited. I honestly don't have room for much that can't serve a couple purposes. As it is, I am feeling like any furniture I do get will have to be carefully considered in terms of space and placement in the apartment.
Still, I do have a couple of things I'd really like to have. A table. A desk. A plant of some sort. Maybe an end table or something where I could keep a small fish? The space I have is small, and I need to really carefully consider what is going to go in there.
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