Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Craft 4: Rag rug

Like the last post said, I was struck with an idea. Sometimes, I follow through on those ideas. This year, one of my goals is to follow through more (at least, you can read the list of goals that way). So, I went out on Monday and bought three cheap bolts of scrap fabric. A total of 6EUR.

I made sure to get stuff that felt good on the hands, since I knew I'd be using my feet on it a bunch. I rendered it into strips, sewed the strips, and then braided all the strips into a big thread. Crocheted the thing with my fingers, and it looks and feels great. I'm really happy with it.

Those of you keeping count might wonder what happened to Craft 1 and Craft 3? Well, I am numbering the crafts by when they are started, and not when they are finished. Craft 3 is a long piece of work, and I expect to need several hours this week to get it half-finished. It'll likely be done in about 2 weeks, but I hope it won't be quite that long.

Craft 1 is also going pretty slowly, as I've run out of thread. Must go by the shops and pick up some more.

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