Monday, July 30, 2012

Aug-Sep starts

Yesterday kicked off the August-September cycle.  I came in at 185#, which is relatively good.  Means I am down 15 pounds over the prior 16 week cycle - slightly less than the goal of 16 pounds, but I really wasn't following the diet very well during the bulk of it.

Today, I find myself up to 187#.  Which is normal for my weekly diet habits.  I do fine during the week, and then Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday I muck it up and eat more than I should, so the weight trends upwards.  Kinda blows out some of the work of the week, which means it is a bad habit that should be stopped.

I have decided to run an RPT program over the next 8 weeks, along with my cut.  I will be monitoring my rate of weight loss, and adjusting my diet intake until I reach a consistent pace I like.  I won't know until at least next Sunday where this week's pace sits.

RPT plan starts like this:

Squat will start at 125# (based on 155# max)
Bench will start at 105# (based o n135# max)
Row will start at 65# (I don't have a max for this, so I am starting it very low)
OHP will start at 85# (based on 105# max)
Deadlift will start at 215# (based on 270# max)

Thus far, the workouts are good.  I've already set the Squat, Bench and Row items too low, so I'll move them up.  I am planning to work 3, 4, 5 reps for the work sets for everything except Row (3, 6, 9 there), and maybe OHP (3, 5, 7 likely).

Stated goal for Aug-Sep is to reach 175# (initial goal) and 15% body fat.  I'm starting with 185#, and 21.8% (estimated via calipers).  My LeanGains estimator sheet predicts me reaching 8% by Oct 13... which I think is a generous estimate.

Updates will be posted as frequently as I feel like it.  Probably at least weekly.

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