Friday, July 27, 2012


Seven months since the last post.  There, I laid out the things I set for myself as goals.  Simple stuff.  Get fit, get a grip on the debt, learn some German and make some art.

What have I done?  Not enough.  I've got a grip on the debt - but there's very little progress towards paying it down.

I've started to get a real grip on the fitness thing.  I've been working out regular, eating less (but not yet "better"), and I am still motivated for it.

I have a bit of a German in this year, but it's been really light.  Mostly revision, and far less reading and listening than I should be doing to really build any language skill.

The art?  Not really anything there either.  I've been thinking I'll start writing any time now, but it seems that the writing bug leaves me until November each year.  With August almost on me, I think I may give some effort towards putting down some words.  I do have a bug in my ear on getting something done, just need a story to use as the outlet.

Am I back?  Maybe.  Probably inconsistently.  I note that Athalos has started posting again - just last week. We haven't talked about it.  We're just connected along the same brainwave most of the time.

At present, I know that I'm not ready to start talking about workout plans.  I'd rather talk about what I've done than what I plan to do.  I still make plans, but I keep them to myself now more than I used to do.

This blog covers the things I like to do, first and foremost, and I feel that I should get back to doing that.  My break has been long enough.  Maybe I have things I want to say again.

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