Sunday, January 8, 2017

Workout and Games

That's just what happened today. First a Workout with K. We don't get to the gym together much, but it's nice when we do. I was following their program, since it was easier that way. My program is just cardio with a bit of strength stuff here and there, but mostly the cardio. They had a rather nice program put together by their trainer, so it was nice to do a bit of strength work. The workout covered bench and deadlifts and a couple supplemental exercises. My workout partner was starting to feel stuffed up and sick, so we called it off a bit early. I'd considered joining that gym when I switched from my old gym to my current gym. This time I went in as a guest, which isn't too bad. Their gym is smaller than mine, but still laid out fine, and the people there seem very focused on the workout thing. One thing I've noticed is the lack of New Year's Resolutionists. At least as far as I can tell, their numbers are really low. I don't know if that's just a trend of the particular gyms, or if Sunday just isn't popular. I had hoped to try out a terrible list for fun, but my opponent wanted me to keep focus on practising for the OTC. We've got to set lists in a couple of weeks. So, I tested one of my OTC potentials against his list. Didn't go as well as I would have liked, even if the game did swing my way at the end. I think the list will need a lot of testing to account for the adjustments after the last errata. Other than that, I've been thinking about my mini painting projects. I've got a full list I'm hoping to play once it's all painted (and not before), so I've been chipping away at it a little at a time. I finished off another unit today, which leaves just two more, and a couple solo models and the leader to do. So, really, it's getting close to done. About 16 models in total. As busy as I've been today, I still feel like I didn't accomplish as much as I could have done. I figure that's probably due to the painting time taking up quite a large chunk of the evening. Can't be helped, really. Projects like that take time, and I just need to think of them as also being productive things.

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