Friday, May 6, 2011

May 5

A starter workout today. Really not much at all:

3x20 "air" shoulder press
3x20 lateral raise

3x5 push up, 60 seconds rest

3 attempts supported handstand (5, 8, 10 seconds)

3x5 dip


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thoughts, and such.

Ok. The diet thing has been off and on. More on than off, but this is about the point where I start to falter. Must remind myself of the good progress so far, and not fall into the habit of thinking that I'm doing great, so I can slack off. No. I can't. Now is when I must go harder.

I seem to have hit a first plateau, and the way to get through it is to change things up a bit. Stricter diet, or additional exercise. Given that my exercise numbers are practically at 0, I feel exercise is the better option right now.

I've got my gym membership, but that's limited, and soon to run out. Will be working through with bodyweight stuff. Been thinking of posting on BWC again, simply as a self-motivator, and also for ideas.

At present, things really are body weight only. I don't really have much access to weights or a bar (though there is a bar here, there's no place to use it).

With that in mind, I'm looking at the basics. Biking, walk/run, and simple at-home exercises.

I'm looking to put up a first challenge for myself. Push ups. I haven't done them in a while. So I want to set a simple goal, with a short timeframe. Something I can achieve without needing to push myself into injury.

My current timeframe is 6 weeks. Enough time for 3 consecutive, quick 2 week goals, 2 consecutive, quick 3 week goals. Plus a single 6 week goal.

2 Week Goal (May 5 - 19): Push Ups: 15 consecutive.
3 Week Goal (May 5 - 26): Yoga Headstand: 30 seconds.
6 Week Goal (May 5 - June 16): Burpees: 1..5..1