Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 13 + 14

Day 13 was a rest day.

Day 14

15 minutes on stat bike, fat burn program

Squat - 5x65, 5x95, 3x5x135#
Bench - 10x45, 5x65, 5x95, 3x5x125#
Sumo Deadlift - 5x65, 5x95, 5x135, 5x175#

After considering the last squat day, 165# was not lifted with good form. My lift of 155 wasn't great either, so I've backed down to 135, in an effort to focus on the form of the lift again. I'll be making slower progressions on this to allow time for the body to adjust to the weight and not cheat by using my back instead of my legs.

As for the Deadlift, I'm approaching my maximum lifetime lift, which was somewhere around 210#. I feel that the rate this is going, I'll probably have to slow down the increases, but I'll keep pushing it as long as I'm able.

I'm also going to modify my stated goal for day 20. I see that I said 3x5x125# for the bench. I'm going to push that up to 3x5x135#, which is what I think I originally meant.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 12

15 minutes on stat bike - fat burn setting

Squat - 5x65, 5x95, 5x135, 3x5x165#
Shoulder Press - 5x45, 5x65, 3x5x85#

I've set a goal for day 20. Bench a minimum of 3x5x125#

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 11

22 minutes on treadmill - 5.8 speed, random program

Toe Press - 10x95, 10x135, 10x155, 10x175#
3 sets of back extension and sit up, 10 reps each set

The treadmill kinda sucked today. The deck would pause momentarily now and again, which made me lurch each time. It was pretty consistently happening when my left foot struck, so I was unsure if it was the deck, or my gait. Either way, annoying.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 9 + 10

Day 9 was a rest day, so I did nothing physical.

Day 10

15 minutes on stat bike, fat loss program, level 4
Squat - 5x65, 5x95, 5x135, 3x5x155#
Bench - 10x45, 5x95, 5x115, 3x5x125# (failed 5,4,4)
Sumo Deadlift - 5x45, 5x95, 5x135, 5x155#

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 8

20 minute run on treadmill @5.8, random program.

Seated Preacher curl - 10x25#
Seated Preacher curl (10/10/10 set, lower, upper, full) - 3x45#
Dumbell curl - 15, 10, 5# done in sets of 5 until first set fails, then lowering weight, or until 50 reps done.
Seated Overhead Tricep Press - 2x35, 2x30#
Barbell Shrug - 10x45, 10x95, 3x10x135#

Weight: 210.8# (-1.2# if my starting guess of 212# was correct.)

I have been thinking that I should be setting a goal for every 10 days of the 100 days. Nothing based on weight or total number of times to the gym. Something that should be achievable in a 10 day window, and also something that is measurable. Since this 10 day period is almost over, I'm going to retroactively set the goal to have done at least 3x5x135# squat.

I've achieved that goal already, but I may have an opportunity to beat that on Monday, Day 10.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 6 + 7

Day 6 was a friend's birthday. I ate cake (and other bad things) and skipped workout to hang out.

Day 7:
15 minutes on stat cycle, cardio setting

Squat - 5x45, 5x65, 5x95, 3x5x135#
Shoulder Press - 5x45, 5x65, 3x5x75#

Short day today, since I got to the gym late.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 5

15 minutes on stat cycle, fat burn program

Squat - 5x45, 5x65, 5x95, 3x5x115#
Bench - 10x45, 5x65, 5x95, 3x5x115#
Deadlift - 5x45, 5x95, 5x135#

I forgot to do deadlifts last time I did the squat/bench cycle. So they're back in the rotation. Looking to keep to a Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday cycle for lifting, giving me a 2 day recovery per week. Got to try to get in a run tomorrow, if time and situation allows. I have been looking at Wednesday and Saturday as my free days. So we will see whether I can get to the gym tomorrow or not.

Day 4

Nothing of note for today. Was hanging out with the guys, and didn't hit the gym. Bad on me!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 3

Stat Bike - 15 minutes on Cardio. Had to fool with the settings to keep it from going on super-mountain-climbing-mode on me. Eventually got it to give me something I could pedal, while keeping the heart rate up at 141.

Squat - 5x45, 5x65, 5x85, 3x5x105#
Shoulder Press - 10x45, 3x5x65#
3 chin up

Yeah, easy day today. Body's asking for me to take it a bit easier on it. Tomorrow, I go harder.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 2

Treadmill - 15 minutes, random @5.6, level 4
Toe Press - 10x45, 10x65, 3x10x75, 10x95#
3x10 Back Extension set with Sit Up

Running is still hard on me. Will need to do more of it. May try variable run times.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 1 - Part 2

Workout for today:

Treadmill - 20 minutes, random setting. 2.31km distance @5.6 pace. 5 minutes cooldown.

This was easy for the first 6 minutes or so. Then I was watching the clock on the machine. Managed to put my mind off it, and push through. Got easier again after the 10 minute mark. Then got harder around minute 16. By minute 19 my right leg was starting to complain about the effort. I knew it'd only be another minute, then I'd be at a walking pace, so I paid attention to the way I was moving and kept things going until the clock ran out.

A good start I think.

Day 1

First day of the 100. Feels good to be back doing something again.

Motivation is high right now, but I know I have to keep putting effort into things, or the motivation will drop.

Today's weight: 210.0

For Day 0 I assumed I was about 212. Didn't weigh, assumed. So, maybe I'm down, maybe I'm not. Doesn't matter. This is the weight I am at now. It, and my goal weights are the only ones that matter.

Gym last night was just a short workout.

Stationary Bike for 12 minutes on the Cardio setting to work up a sweat.
Squat - 5x45, 5x65, 5x85, 3x5x95#
Bench - 10x45, 10x65, 3x10x85#
Low Row - 3x10x25#

Walked home and that was it. Gotta make the gym access count again. Clearly I'm not doing everything I could be.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

100 days?

Ok... I always get strange ideas in my mind when things like this hit me.

There is (as of today) 113 days left in the year. What if I took 100 of those days, and focused them on fitness.

What can I do with 100 days? Who knows.

Today shall be Day 0. Tomorrow, Day 1.

A bit of here and there

I haven't been following any of my plans for fitness.

Months ago (nearly 4 months at this point). I signed up for the gym. I went for a while. Then stopped. Then went again, then took 3 months off. I suck.

Since then, I've gone from around 193# to my present weight of about 212#. Yes, that's 20 pounds in just about 4 months. FUCK.

I've said to myself that I wouldn't mind being heavier - if I was fit. But I don't feel fit. In fact, I feel really unfit and flabby.

I haven't even been biking. At least then I was doing something. At least then I was getting some serious mileage laid down. I mean, a month or so ago I was polishing off the 450th kilometer in a 30 day period. That's pretty good mileage for a guy that doesn't do anything. Now? 0. Nothing. Not even a little bit.

What is it about me that keeps me in this stupid cycle? I really don't know.

I do know that I don't like the weight I'm at now. Few of the clothes I have now fit me. They're too small. Know why? 'Cause I got down to 185# and told myself that I would never again crack 200. Fuck me. I'm pushing towards 215 at this point. Honestly. How can I do this to myself?

I don't want to set any lofty goals. Anything I put down here will be like a mouthful of sand to me. Still, I can't get by without some kind of goal - some form of direction.

Thus: By the end of October, I want to weigh in at under 200#. That's 10# in 6 weeks.

Yes, that is pushing it. But it is totally possible. Only one way to do it, though. And that is to get off my ass and start working out. Hard. And lots. And also, I must stop eating so much junk.

I hereby put forth my standard diet and exercise plans:

The Stop Eating So Damn Much Diet, and the Get Off Your Fat Ass and Do Something workout plan.

I commit myself to doing this, starting today. I'm gonna need some help.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Yeah. German. Again.

Ok... I keep coming back to this topic.

I read a site called, and it suggests that the best way to learn a language is the natural way. That is, as if you were a child. Children learn to speak by constant exposure. Everyone around them speaks the language, thus, they learn.

However, for those of us unlucky enough not to be fully and completely immersed in our desired language, how is this to work? Well, the AJATT guy suggests that you create the immersion yourself. Specifically, through the introduction of massive amounts of media in the desired language.

I've advocated this before. But I've been very bad at following through on it myself. I've seen (second hand) the effect of allowing this process to work. And I've seen (also second hand) the effect of resisting this process. When you let it work, you learn really fast. When you resist, you don't.

I have tried this method out myself, and I have noticed that it is a good method, overall, for learning the language. Of course, it really works best when coupled with directed, focused learning. Engaging both the active and passive learning modes brings out the best results.

I have some access to German media (thank you, Internet!). But I don't have access to massive amounts of it. This is mainly because I'm too lazy to go searching for the stuff that is accessible out there.

I'd like to start putting myself in contact with more German media. More things to read, more things to listen to, and more stuff to watch. All of them will be exceedingly good for me.