Wednesday, November 14, 2012

2013 coming up...

I haven't been blogging much.  Really, this isn't much of an issue, because people really don't read this blog.  Mostly just me.

So, no blogging usually means I'm too busy doing something, or busy not doing anything.  This break was more of the latter.

2013 is coming up in a bit over 45 days, and I'm starting to feel the itch for planning out big and exciting things to do this year.

As I do every year (though usually closer to December's end), I review the things I set out for myself, and make new plans.

Last  year, I posted just 4 things as part of the "Big, Fun, Scary" list I've put together for a couple of years now.  In short, Fitness, Language, Money and Art.

Fitness, I've had some success so far, and hope to gain back some lost ground before the end of the year, so there's still a chance there.

Language, I have failed to keep on top of German, and haven't really tried to do much for any other language either.

Money is a bit of a toss up.  I'm still just about as behind as I was before, but I'm making regular payments, and finally making a bit of headway on one of my debts.  The rest will take me far longer.

Art.  This is where I've fallen down the hardest.  I've done nothing to generate original art, and my other creative outlets have been more or less stymied.

So, thus far, I'm pretty poor.  Not even really 1 out of 4.  My lack of success is pretty telling of where my head has been.  Still, I can turn around some of this and make some good plans for next year.  I really just need to get my head screwed on right, and that'll help a lot.

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