Thursday, February 3, 2011

3EUR days 7 & 8

I'm sticking with the 3EUR Experiment. I had 0.05 carryover from day 6, and didn't spend any money on day 7. This was possible because I stayed with friends. So, I didn't need to buy food for myself there. I'm there again on day 8, which left me with 6.05 in the account.

I did some shopping today, though. I bought some chicken schnitzel, 100g of chocolate (0.35), and 6 baguette style Brotchen (also 0.35). The chicken was discounted, which got me it for cheaper than I'd expected. At the end of the day, I'm still left with 3.27EUR.

That will roll over into tomorrow.

A couple of things have come up in my mind since the last post.

First, I had planned to go out to a friendly meetup on day 7. But, I couldn't decide whether I would have to count any food bought there against the 3EUR limit. On the one hand, it is clearly eating out, which is covered by the experiment. On the other hand, it is almost like school, which is exempt. In the end, I didn't go, so I don't have a good answer for it.

Secondly, I'm starting to feel like the experiment is inauthentic. In some ways, I was looking at the experiment as a real experience. Working from a limited budget (with a hard limit), and preventing myself from overspending within the month.

I did say I could take advantage of free stuff, but I find that I'm doing that quite a bit. Eating food from friends instead of things from my own kitchen - even when I have enough for myself and have planned a meal for myself. This strikes me as dishonest. I mean, would someone really living with extremely limited funds be able to rely on friends feeding them day after day? I don't think so. Not without coming off as a huge mooch.

So, the whole experiment is starting to ring pretty hollow to me. Which bothers me, and I'm undecided on whether or not it should. On the one hand, I'd like the experience to be authentic, and on the other hand, this is the reality of my life. It's quite possible for me to eat several meals for free each week, with no significant drawback or backlash against me. So, why not take advantage of it. Maybe I could view that as supplementation via soup-kitchen or something like that.

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