Friday, February 18, 2011

Book 4: Der Blutgott

This book was my "on the train" book. Pretty much the only time I read any of it was while I was travelling from place to place. Of course, this means I got sleepy and fell asleep on it time and again. That also means it took me a long, long time to get through the whole thing.

For a book supposedly about the blood god, it doesn't really get around to it until almost the end of the book. I was hoping for a lot more story on the blood god himself, but mostly got a big battle in a huge city. Sure, battles are great - and the Soul Drinkers (Seelentrinker) marines were well portrayed. Their struggle to battle for the Emperor, even after excommunication was intriguing. Would be interesting to build up a force of them.

The story itself, wasn't much more than expected from a story about marines. Battles, both large and small. Lots of things blowing up, and lots of things getting shot at quite a bit. Personally, I had a lot of issues keeping track of the many characters. Something about similarity of name, purpose and the German dialogue structure made things harder than it should have been.

Still, for an in-world fiction, it's not too bad.

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