Wednesday, April 21, 2010

One Week

So... a week in and so far, I haven't done much.

I started last week with a weight of 198.8#

This morning I am 200.6# A net gain over the week. That's a bad trend. In fact, it's almost exactly the opposite amount I was hoping to lose per week. So, it's as if I set myself back by 2 weeks.

Disappointing, but not unexpected.

I didn't do much for workouts, and I didn't do much for keeping away from the snacks. Thus, I have gained weight. I don't like it, but I can't change the past. All I can do it make the future better. So, it's time to reaffirm my goals.

I would like to lose about 2 pounds a week between May 1 and July 31. 13 weeks = 26 pounds.

Assuming I use my starting weight of 198.8#, that means I am aiming at a weight of 172.8# by the end of July. 172.8# seems aggressive - and it is. So, I'll adjust it. I'm gonna go with 175# even. That gives me a rate of loss that's a little under 2 pounds a week. Even with my current weight, it's still totally possible.

So, whatever I've said my goal was before, it is officially 175# by July 31 now. And I'm sticking to that.

To get there, I know that I need a couple of things.

1. I need to be dedicated to this goal. I have to put in time and effort to reach it.
2. I need to be focused. What I eat is important. I need to balance out what I take in for food. I need to move towards healthier alternatives, and I need to balance out portion sizes and keep them reasonable.
3. I need a routine. Both a physical activity routine, and a mental routine to keep my on track and working towards my goal.
4. I need competition. I find I work a bit better if I have an external incentive. The best incentive for me is competition. If challenged, I usually try to rise above that challenge.

There's a couple of mental tricks that I'd like to employ too - but I figure I'll leave those for another post.

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