Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Yeah. German. Again.

Ok... I keep coming back to this topic.

I read a site called AllJapaneseAllTheTime.com, and it suggests that the best way to learn a language is the natural way. That is, as if you were a child. Children learn to speak by constant exposure. Everyone around them speaks the language, thus, they learn.

However, for those of us unlucky enough not to be fully and completely immersed in our desired language, how is this to work? Well, the AJATT guy suggests that you create the immersion yourself. Specifically, through the introduction of massive amounts of media in the desired language.

I've advocated this before. But I've been very bad at following through on it myself. I've seen (second hand) the effect of allowing this process to work. And I've seen (also second hand) the effect of resisting this process. When you let it work, you learn really fast. When you resist, you don't.

I have tried this method out myself, and I have noticed that it is a good method, overall, for learning the language. Of course, it really works best when coupled with directed, focused learning. Engaging both the active and passive learning modes brings out the best results.

I have some access to German media (thank you, Internet!). But I don't have access to massive amounts of it. This is mainly because I'm too lazy to go searching for the stuff that is accessible out there.

I'd like to start putting myself in contact with more German media. More things to read, more things to listen to, and more stuff to watch. All of them will be exceedingly good for me.

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