Thursday, August 23, 2012

Evening at the gym

My weight has been teasing me.  UP to 181 today.  Basically, on target for a 2 pound loss from the start of the week, but disappointingly far from my hope of getting down to 178 by the end of the week.  If I managed to make it to there, it'd reinforce the idea that I really wasn't at 182 at the start of this week, that it was just a flux in the day to day weighing.

I'm half thinking I need to do weekly trending instead of day to day spot checking, since that would at least be something with better direction indicators - though this week would look a bit flat.

PL was at the gym when I went on Tuesday.  He was on his way out, but we hadn't talked in a while, so we had a chat.  He was there again today, so we had another chat.  He mentioned that my waist seemed to be going down, which is certainly good to hear.

I asked him about his frequency at the gym, and he does 5 days.  He asked me about what I was doing, and I try to avoid really giving an answer to such questions, as it tends to end up with me feeling like I'm doing something wrong (which certainly may be true).  I told him I've only recently gotten a good grip on my diet - which I feel is true.  Before the last two months or so, I wasn't really tracking anything, and I certainly wasn't putting the proper amount of effort into actually losing weight.

As the prior 16 week cycle shows, I only managed to lose 15 pounds.  That's a good, slow pace, but it's not giving me the impression of someone who's got a firm grip on what they're eating.  The fact that I'm aiming for between 10 to 15 in just 9 weeks means I have to put in the necessary efforts.

PL suggested that I do some cardio after my workouts.  Which seems like a good idea.  I have been feeling like I need to do some cardio.  Bike, run, something.  What I really need, though, is just to start doing it and stop thinking about it.

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